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WWE 2K22 But I ONLY Draft DLC To My Tournament!
WWE 2K22 but i can only draft dlc wreslers to my tournament
WWE 2K22 But We Can Only Draft WWF & WCW Wrestlers!
WWE 2K22 But If I Make The Shot, I Draft A Wrestler
WWE 2K22 But I Can Only Draft 1 Wrestler Per Letter
WWE 2K22 But I Can Only Use DLC Superstars!
Only Drafting International WWE Superstars!
WWE 2K22 Universe Mode But I Only Draft WCW Alumni!
WWE 2K22 But I Only Draft Wrestlemania Winners!
WWE 2K22 Universe Mode But I Only Draft WWE Champions!
WWE 2K22 MyGM But I Can ONLY Draft DPW Stars!
WWE 2K22 MyGM But I Draft The Banzai DLC Pack!